82 poetry in politics
poetry in politics
03/09/2012?? A speech with strong content and policies that is overwhelmed with imagery and alliteration, then, is also ineffective. Its message is lost. Style is substance in political speechwriting, in that presidents must be entertainers in order to ensure they are effective explainers. Poetic ?
Political Poems, Poets lend voices to current events and elections as they critique and defend the social and political issues of their day. By The Editors, Photograph ?
the earth we mouthed it wound our vowels until, it fit, in fits the earth we mounted roused, & rocked we harped we yawned & tried to yawp, & tried to fix, affixed, we facted, felt. we fattened fanfared anthemed hammered, felt, the words? worth stagnate, snap in half in heat, the wane the melt what words we?d hoarded halved,
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